There’s an interesting part of the interview of Pavel Durov of Telegram with Tucker. Telegram seems to run well with 30 engineers. Pavel Durov recounts having a conversation with Jack Dorsey where Pavel said that Jack could run Twitter with a lot less people. Jack agreed that he could but if he would fire a lot of people it would make investors scared so that’s not something he can do.
It’s worth noting that Google’s headcount went down from 2022 to 2023 partly because of the belief that they had hired to many people who weren’t effectively contributing to the bottom line.
After Elon Musk managed to fire so many people at Twitter while at the same time increasing the feature development at Twitter, the zeitgeist turned in a way that the big tech company decreased headcount to decrease inefficiencies.
There’s an interesting part of the interview of Pavel Durov of Telegram with Tucker. Telegram seems to run well with 30 engineers. Pavel Durov recounts having a conversation with Jack Dorsey where Pavel said that Jack could run Twitter with a lot less people. Jack agreed that he could but if he would fire a lot of people it would make investors scared so that’s not something he can do.
It’s worth noting that Google’s headcount went down from 2022 to 2023 partly because of the belief that they had hired to many people who weren’t effectively contributing to the bottom line.
After Elon Musk managed to fire so many people at Twitter while at the same time increasing the feature development at Twitter, the zeitgeist turned in a way that the big tech company decreased headcount to decrease inefficiencies.