Here’s a tampermonkey script that hides the agreement score on LessWrong. I wasn’t enjoying this feature because I don’t want my perception to be influenced by that; I want to judge purely based on ideas, and on my own.
Here’s what it looks like:
// ==UserScript==
// @name Hide LessWrong Agree/Disagree Votes
// @namespace
// @version 1.0
// @description Hide agree/disagree votes on LessWrong comments.
// @author ChatGPT4
// @match*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
‘use strict’;
// Function to hide agree/disagree votes
function hideVotes() {
// Select all elements representing agree/disagree votes
var voteElements = document.querySelectorAll(‘.AgreementVoteAxis-voteScore’);
// Loop through each element and hide it
voteElements.forEach(function(element) { = ‘none’;
// Run the function when the page loads
// Optionally, set up a MutationObserver to hide votes on dynamically loaded content
var observer = new MutationObserver(function() {
// Start observing the document for changes
observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
I don’t know the full original reasoning for why they introduced it, but one hope is that it marginally disentangles agreement from the main voting axis. People who were going to upvote based purely on agreement will now put their vote in the agreement axis instead (is the hope, anyway). Agreement-voting is socioepistemologically bad in general (except for in polls), so this seems good.
Here’s a tampermonkey script that hides the agreement score on LessWrong. I wasn’t enjoying this feature because I don’t want my perception to be influenced by that; I want to judge purely based on ideas, and on my own.
Here’s what it looks like:
I don’t know the full original reasoning for why they introduced it, but one hope is that it marginally disentangles agreement from the main voting axis. People who were going to upvote based purely on agreement will now put their vote in the agreement axis instead (is the hope, anyway). Agreement-voting is socioepistemologically bad in general (except for in polls), so this seems good.