… I didn’t even know the word “philantrophy” existed before I got here...
It’s “philanthropy”, but “philantrophy” would be an awesome neologism for the chaos that results from well-intentioned but ill-conceived humanitarian aid.
Philentropy: (noun) measure of the decrease of the utility/dollar ratio as a function of distance to recipient.
Edit: Here I thought I just made this up whole cloth, and what does google tell me but that it’s the name of an album older than I am. Nothing new under the sun, etc and so on. Relevant.
It’s “philanthropy”, but “philantrophy” would be an awesome neologism for the chaos that results from well-intentioned but ill-conceived humanitarian aid.
Philentropy: (noun) measure of the decrease of the utility/dollar ratio as a function of distance to recipient.
Edit: Here I thought I just made this up whole cloth, and what does google tell me but that it’s the name of an album older than I am. Nothing new under the sun, etc and so on. Relevant.