Howdy. I’ve been reading this blog for several months, but I’m hoping that having an identity on this site will provide incentives to internalize its logic; I’ve found in the past that it’s easy for knowledge to fly away when you don’t have a short-term stake in understanding it. Of course, that introduces its own potential for bias, but you’ve got to start somewhere.
Demographically, I’m a software engineer in my mid-to-late twenties living in the SF Bay Area. I spent some time studying classical AI while I was working on my undergraduate degree, but I’ve recently developed an interest in nonclassical methods; I also have interests in game theory, economics, and game design. I’m additionally a fairly serious martial artist, which informs many aspects of my thinking.
I have a fairly strong aversion to calling myself an “-ist” of any kind, but I can label myself a reductive materialist without cringing.
My name’s Brian. I’m posting under a handle because I expect more people I’d encounter here to have associations attached to the handle than to my actual name.
Howdy. I’ve been reading this blog for several months, but I’m hoping that having an identity on this site will provide incentives to internalize its logic; I’ve found in the past that it’s easy for knowledge to fly away when you don’t have a short-term stake in understanding it. Of course, that introduces its own potential for bias, but you’ve got to start somewhere.
Demographically, I’m a software engineer in my mid-to-late twenties living in the SF Bay Area. I spent some time studying classical AI while I was working on my undergraduate degree, but I’ve recently developed an interest in nonclassical methods; I also have interests in game theory, economics, and game design. I’m additionally a fairly serious martial artist, which informs many aspects of my thinking.
I have a fairly strong aversion to calling myself an “-ist” of any kind, but I can label myself a reductive materialist without cringing.
My name’s Brian. I’m posting under a handle because I expect more people I’d encounter here to have associations attached to the handle than to my actual name.