Hi Less Wrong! My name is Jonathan, I’m 43, from Vancouver Canada, background in physics and philosophy (no longer professional), with interests in the Anthropic Principle, philoscience, Tegmarkian metaphysics, mutliverse theories, observer selection and assorted Bostromian subjects, and much else besides. I’ve been a proponent (shill) of the multiverse for many a year and am now gratified that it’s reaching mainstream acceptance.
Hi Less Wrong! My name is Jonathan, I’m 43, from Vancouver Canada, background in physics and philosophy (no longer professional), with interests in the Anthropic Principle, philoscience, Tegmarkian metaphysics, mutliverse theories, observer selection and assorted Bostromian subjects, and much else besides. I’ve been a proponent (shill) of the multiverse for many a year and am now gratified that it’s reaching mainstream acceptance.