Living in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and studying in the equivalent of college. Lazy is a word describing me well.
Seeking consonnance and being lazy, most of the time I think and do not act. I seek to act free of pointless things, opinions, biases and ?
And it is difficult. LW is breeze of fresh air to my mind. I want it to help me change myself. I want to be more congruent and rational.
Discovering new possibilities makes me see my inadequacies and now I feel I have to do something about it.
Hi, Living in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and studying in the equivalent of college. Lazy is a word describing me well. Seeking consonnance and being lazy, most of the time I think and do not act. I seek to act free of pointless things, opinions, biases and ?
And it is difficult. LW is breeze of fresh air to my mind. I want it to help me change myself. I want to be more congruent and rational.
Discovering new possibilities makes me see my inadequacies and now I feel I have to do something about it.
This is a step.