Should I be upvoting this just because it made me laugh? I feel like that probably isn’t really the purpose of the karma system, but “You’re a bad human” really tickled me.
Far be it from me to suggest humor value is not a sufficient voting criterion, but if you want to reward the coiner of that particular turn of phrase, may I suggest purchasing a few hundred paperclips and storing them in a safe place?
Ah, but I want to reward the spreader of humor, not the originator of the phrase. Does Clippy really say “You’re a bad human.”? I find this difficult to believe.
Should I be upvoting this just because it made me laugh? I feel like that probably isn’t really the purpose of the karma system, but “You’re a bad human” really tickled me.
Far be it from me to suggest humor value is not a sufficient voting criterion, but if you want to reward the coiner of that particular turn of phrase, may I suggest purchasing a few hundred paperclips and storing them in a safe place?
(I stole it from Clippy.)
Ah, but I want to reward the spreader of humor, not the originator of the phrase. Does Clippy really say “You’re a bad human.”? I find this difficult to believe.
Example uses here, and here.
I totally was thinking you were attributing the quote to Microsoft Word’s irritating assistant. Things make more sense.
“It looks like you’re trying to write a suicide note! Would you like some help?”
Did you just… happen to have those on hand, or...?
The magic of Google.
Ah, ok.
For what it’s worth, what actually brought it to mind was this exchange. Yes, I know. Burn.