I do think these are generally good ideas, but I think they need a combination of things going on at once in order to work well.
Google docs works for people who already have a network of peer reviewers, who already want to opt into that. I think your mark-up comments in google docs felt a bit out of the blue for people who weren’t planning to opt into it, so didn’t work as smoothly. (In google doc editing, you’re already in a draft mindset so revision-oriented comments feel more welcome)
I do think these are generally good ideas, but I think they need a combination of things going on at once in order to work well.
Google docs works for people who already have a network of peer reviewers, who already want to opt into that. I think your mark-up comments in google docs felt a bit out of the blue for people who weren’t planning to opt into it, so didn’t work as smoothly. (In google doc editing, you’re already in a draft mindset so revision-oriented comments feel more welcome)