I was reflecting on whether to nominate this post, since a) it seemed probably important, but b) I hadn’t made much direct use of it myself nor even read it that thoroughly.
I ended up thinking “you know what? There really should be a button for ‘elevate this to other people’s consideration for the review’, without necessarily nominating it yourself.’” And, well, that button doesn’t exist and we’re probably not going to build it by tomorrow. So meanwhile I think I just endorse being-the-first-person-to-nominate-something as a hacky way to elevate things to people’s attention this year.
I was reflecting on whether to nominate this post, since a) it seemed probably important, but b) I hadn’t made much direct use of it myself nor even read it that thoroughly.
I ended up thinking “you know what? There really should be a button for ‘elevate this to other people’s consideration for the review’, without necessarily nominating it yourself.’” And, well, that button doesn’t exist and we’re probably not going to build it by tomorrow. So meanwhile I think I just endorse being-the-first-person-to-nominate-something as a hacky way to elevate things to people’s attention this year.