Yes, its very oversimplified—in this case ‘capability’ just refers to whatever enables RSI, and we assume that it’s a single dimension. Of course, it isn’t, but we assume that the capability can be modelled this way as a very rough approximation.
Physical limits are another thing the model doesn’t cover—you’re right to point out that on the intelligence explosion/full RSI scenarios the graph goes vertical only for a time until some limit is hit
Yes, its very oversimplified—in this case ‘capability’ just refers to whatever enables RSI, and we assume that it’s a single dimension. Of course, it isn’t, but we assume that the capability can be modelled this way as a very rough approximation.
Physical limits are another thing the model doesn’t cover—you’re right to point out that on the intelligence explosion/full RSI scenarios the graph goes vertical only for a time until some limit is hit