I think you’ve hit upon one of the side effects of this approach
All the smart people will interpret your words differently and note them to be straightforwardly false. You can always adjust your speaking to the abilities of the intelligent and interested, and they’ll applaud you for it, but you do so at the cost of reaching everybody else
I understand your post to be about difficult truths related to politics, but you don’t actually give examples (except “what Trump has said is ‘emotionally true’”) and the same idea applies to simplifications of complex material in science etc. I just happened upon an example from a site teaching drawing in perspective (source):
Now you may have heard of terms such as one point, two point or three point perspective. These are all simplifications. Since you can have an infinite number of different sets of parallel lines, there are technically an infinite number of potential vanishing points. The reason we can simplify this whole idea to three, two, or a single vanishing point is because of boxes.
[...] . Because of this, people like to teach those who are new to perspective that the world can be summarized with a maximum of 3 vanishing points.
Honestly, this confused me for years
The author way lied to about the possible number of vanishing points in a drawing. But instead of realizing the falsehood he was confused.
I think you’ve hit upon one of the side effects of this approach
All the smart people will interpret your words differently and note them to be straightforwardly false. You can always adjust your speaking to the abilities of the intelligent and interested, and they’ll applaud you for it, but you do so at the cost of reaching everybody else
I understand your post to be about difficult truths related to politics, but you don’t actually give examples (except “what Trump has said is ‘emotionally true’”) and the same idea applies to simplifications of complex material in science etc. I just happened upon an example from a site teaching drawing in perspective (source):
The author way lied to about the possible number of vanishing points in a drawing. But instead of realizing the falsehood he was confused.