Mere framing, depending simply on what your brain thinks is normal. Visit a convention of cryonicists and talk to the kids signed up for cryonics. Those parents wouldn’t think very highly of themselves if they didn’t pay to sign up their kids. If their children died and were lost, they would hold themselves at fault. They’re right.
(The obvious metaphor—so obvious, in fact, that it is not even a metaphor—is withholding lifesaving medical care. Consider how we feel about parents who refuse to treat their kid’s cancer, for example.)
Mere framing, depending simply on what your brain thinks is normal. Visit a convention of cryonicists and talk to the kids signed up for cryonics. Those parents wouldn’t think very highly of themselves if they didn’t pay to sign up their kids. If their children died and were lost, they would hold themselves at fault. They’re right.
(The obvious metaphor—so obvious, in fact, that it is not even a metaphor—is withholding lifesaving medical care. Consider how we feel about parents who refuse to treat their kid’s cancer, for example.)
Yes, that is indeed the analogy—pardon me, classification—that I was looking for.