There are many possible maps that describe the same territory. Trying to switch people to use a different map could be a good thing, or it could be a bad thing. (A person who likes the new map might describe it as “giving them fresh insights”, a person who dislikes it might describe it as “manipulating them”.)
Is the scientific map always better? Well, sometimes it is not available. And sometimes it is too complex. In situations where science provides a clear and simple answer, I guess following it is very likely to be the right answer. But that is not always the case, and then… what are the alternatives? Either paralysis (“I am going to ignore this topic until science finally comes with a simple answer”) or some kind of greedy reductionism / focusing on what is legible (“I am going to ignore the illegible parts and focus on the part that is certain: everything, including my wife and kids, is ultimately built from atoms and anything else about them is mere superstition”).
There are many possible maps that describe the same territory. Trying to switch people to use a different map could be a good thing, or it could be a bad thing. (A person who likes the new map might describe it as “giving them fresh insights”, a person who dislikes it might describe it as “manipulating them”.)
Is the scientific map always better? Well, sometimes it is not available. And sometimes it is too complex. In situations where science provides a clear and simple answer, I guess following it is very likely to be the right answer. But that is not always the case, and then… what are the alternatives? Either paralysis (“I am going to ignore this topic until science finally comes with a simple answer”) or some kind of greedy reductionism / focusing on what is legible (“I am going to ignore the illegible parts and focus on the part that is certain: everything, including my wife and kids, is ultimately built from atoms and anything else about them is mere superstition”).