Woman also wear expensive designer handbags that men don’t care at all but other women do care about.
If a woman has the choice to wear an outfit that makes her more attractive to men but makes her lose status with other women who believe that it looks slutty, she usually doesn’t maximize attractiveness to men.
Women don’t only care about attractiveness to men, but “women wear makeup because {some_weird_internal_psychological_thing}” is unhelpful. You are better served by the “women wear makeup for other people” heuristic, because it lets you arrive at conclusions like “women tend to apply makeup much less when they stay indoors eating cheetos”.
Men lift to be able to dominate other men wouldn’t be about {some_weird_internal_psychological_thing} but also about social interaction.
If attractiveness were the key thing that matters you would expect a woman to wear less makeup when she goes to an event where there are only women than when she goes to an event with mixed genders. While I don’t have hard statistics I don’t think that’s the case.
Woman also wear expensive designer handbags that men don’t care at all but other women do care about.
If a woman has the choice to wear an outfit that makes her more attractive to men but makes her lose status with other women who believe that it looks slutty, she usually doesn’t maximize attractiveness to men.
Women don’t only care about attractiveness to men, but “women wear makeup because {some_weird_internal_psychological_thing}” is unhelpful. You are better served by the “women wear makeup for other people” heuristic, because it lets you arrive at conclusions like “women tend to apply makeup much less when they stay indoors eating cheetos”.
Men lift to be able to dominate other men wouldn’t be about {some_weird_internal_psychological_thing} but also about social interaction.
If attractiveness were the key thing that matters you would expect a woman to wear less makeup when she goes to an event where there are only women than when she goes to an event with mixed genders. While I don’t have hard statistics I don’t think that’s the case.