As a person interested in rationality and little else that this website has to offer
I’m confused why you categorize SSC as appropriate for debiasing but not LW; doesn’t SSC have as much of a mix of non-rationality material as LW? Is it a mix you like better? Do you just enjoy SSC for other reasons?
1) Scott posts about politics and that’s one of the muddiest areas in debate—and with the moratorium on politics around here, one could use some good insights on controversial issues somewhere else.
2) LessWrong is a collection of people, but Scott is one guy—and as far as I’ve seen he’s one of the most level-headed and reasonable people in recent history, two traits which I consider indispensable to rationality. And he posts a lot about what constitutes reasonableness and how important it is. LessWrong does exhibit this as well, naturally, but there as opposed to here there aren’t tendencies in the opposite direction that dilute the collective wisdom of the place, so to speak. (Then again I don’t read comments.)
3) I just happen to really like his writing style, jokes, way of thinking, just about everything.
but not LW
No. Never said that. It’s just that other sites get updated with material of interest to me more often, whereas the best stuff around here is already old for me.
I’m confused why you categorize SSC as appropriate for debiasing but not LW; doesn’t SSC have as much of a mix of non-rationality material as LW? Is it a mix you like better? Do you just enjoy SSC for other reasons?
1) Scott posts about politics and that’s one of the muddiest areas in debate—and with the moratorium on politics around here, one could use some good insights on controversial issues somewhere else.
2) LessWrong is a collection of people, but Scott is one guy—and as far as I’ve seen he’s one of the most level-headed and reasonable people in recent history, two traits which I consider indispensable to rationality. And he posts a lot about what constitutes reasonableness and how important it is. LessWrong does exhibit this as well, naturally, but there as opposed to here there aren’t tendencies in the opposite direction that dilute the collective wisdom of the place, so to speak. (Then again I don’t read comments.)
3) I just happen to really like his writing style, jokes, way of thinking, just about everything.
No. Never said that. It’s just that other sites get updated with material of interest to me more often, whereas the best stuff around here is already old for me.