On this topic (and for looking at the causality direction) I think the book “In the Shadow of the Sword” by Tom Holland is quite informative.
Man, he has time to do such important academic work, at his age, between one Spider-Man movie and another? Talk about a polymath!
(I’m sorry)
From my memory their were either one or two devastating plagues in the Roman empire, which massively depopulated its cities. The non-urban populations (eg. the horse riding nomads) were barely effected by the plague (they were said to be immune, but it was probably just transmission opportunities).
Never underestimate the benefits of living mostly outdoors or in tents with plenty of ventilation. But yeah, I mentioned the Antonine plague but I think I remember there being more. These were pretty destructive events so obviously they’d leave a mark.
Man, he has time to do such important academic work, at his age, between one Spider-Man movie and another? Talk about a polymath!
(I’m sorry)
Never underestimate the benefits of living mostly outdoors or in tents with plenty of ventilation. But yeah, I mentioned the Antonine plague but I think I remember there being more. These were pretty destructive events so obviously they’d leave a mark.