OK—that’s entirely fair. The map-territory distinction I describe above reinforces a somewhat different set of rationality skills of rationality.
I’ve developed a sense for when I understand an algorithm to the point of being able to program it, rather than understanding it sufficiently to explain it or expect it to work. Feeling like I know how to code an algorithm is just like feeling sure that a mathematical proof is correct. They have a specific sort of robust clarity that most thought lacks. I hadn’t really thought about it, but that must be a learned feeling. I expect it’s a valuable sense to have; if programming can teach it, then more power to learning programming.
OK—that’s entirely fair. The map-territory distinction I describe above reinforces a somewhat different set of rationality skills of rationality.
I’ve developed a sense for when I understand an algorithm to the point of being able to program it, rather than understanding it sufficiently to explain it or expect it to work. Feeling like I know how to code an algorithm is just like feeling sure that a mathematical proof is correct. They have a specific sort of robust clarity that most thought lacks. I hadn’t really thought about it, but that must be a learned feeling. I expect it’s a valuable sense to have; if programming can teach it, then more power to learning programming.