except if the number of turns per match is lower than three, in which case DefectBot wins regardless of number and initial representation of other strategies.
Won’t DefectBot sometimes be tied with other strategies? For example the strategy that defects on the first turn and then plays its opponents first move as its second move will when it runs against a DefectBot play identically.
That is true, however I don’t consider strategies that effectively always play the same move as different strategies just because they theoretically follow different algorithms. And as soon as they stray from defecting, they will lose population in relation to DefectBot, no matter their opponent.
Won’t DefectBot sometimes be tied with other strategies? For example the strategy that defects on the first turn and then plays its opponents first move as its second move will when it runs against a DefectBot play identically.
That is true, however I don’t consider strategies that effectively always play the same move as different strategies just because they theoretically follow different algorithms. And as soon as they stray from defecting, they will lose population in relation to DefectBot, no matter their opponent.