I may be very late in answering this and it may also be a rhetorical question, but no, as far as I know there aren’t ever many humans living on Antarctica, although I’m quite sure there’s almost always scientists present. They certainly wouldn’t be hard to avoid, but if newborns are supposed to train to abstain there it’s not a stretch to imagine someone who knows where the human settlement is managing to slip away from supervision and kill them, which would lead to more humans coming to investigate.
Are there many of those? Would they be hard to avoid?
Or to turn?
I may be very late in answering this and it may also be a rhetorical question, but no, as far as I know there aren’t ever many humans living on Antarctica, although I’m quite sure there’s almost always scientists present. They certainly wouldn’t be hard to avoid, but if newborns are supposed to train to abstain there it’s not a stretch to imagine someone who knows where the human settlement is managing to slip away from supervision and kill them, which would lead to more humans coming to investigate.