High-speed direct information/language port (combined with a camera/text recognition software, or phone with wifi). Eyes are not optimized for reading at the maximum speed the brain can handle, and as http://www.spritzinc.com/ shows even fairly basic hacks can give huge gains. I bet we could push it much further. Especially good for the blind.
Glasses which convert various interesting non-visible wavelengths of light into a specific one (possibly camera+projecting onto google glass, possibly using the hearing thing?), gradually cycling through different wavelengths in a predictable way. There’s a lot of detail we miss out on by only sensing three colors.
Whiskers for air current sensing. Probably needs a wide channel though.
Not exactly a new sense, but total area awareness via a swarm of microdrones with cameras/microphones (and split projection onto glasses) would be pretty awesome. Like a poor man’s Skitter.
High-speed direct information/language port (combined with a camera/text recognition software, or phone with wifi). Eyes are not optimized for reading at the maximum speed the brain can handle, and as http://www.spritzinc.com/ shows even fairly basic hacks can give huge gains. I bet we could push it much further. Especially good for the blind.
Glasses which convert various interesting non-visible wavelengths of light into a specific one (possibly camera+projecting onto google glass, possibly using the hearing thing?), gradually cycling through different wavelengths in a predictable way. There’s a lot of detail we miss out on by only sensing three colors.
Whiskers for air current sensing. Probably needs a wide channel though.
Not exactly a new sense, but total area awareness via a swarm of microdrones with cameras/microphones (and split projection onto glasses) would be pretty awesome. Like a poor man’s Skitter.