I personally prefer audioooks, but here are some past threads with podcast recommendations:
Audiobook recommendations by Capla (and some more in the discussion)
Goobahman requests audiobook recommendations
Wiki page with rationalist podcasts
Grognor’s podcast and audiobook recommendations
Nick Beckstead audiobook and podcast recommendations
Deluks bi-weekly rational feed’s podcast sections (linked is one example)
James Miller’s podcast
Wallowinmaya’s request for podcast recommendations
Obviously, this shouldn’t preclude other people from giving new recommendations, and if someone is up for it, I would also be glad if someone would go through all the threads I linked and compile all the recommendations into one big list.
I personally prefer audioooks, but here are some past threads with podcast recommendations:
Audiobook recommendations by Capla (and some more in the discussion)
Goobahman requests audiobook recommendations
Wiki page with rationalist podcasts
Grognor’s podcast and audiobook recommendations
Nick Beckstead audiobook and podcast recommendations
Deluks bi-weekly rational feed’s podcast sections (linked is one example)
James Miller’s podcast
Wallowinmaya’s request for podcast recommendations
Obviously, this shouldn’t preclude other people from giving new recommendations, and if someone is up for it, I would also be glad if someone would go through all the threads I linked and compile all the recommendations into one big list.