I’ve been interested for awhile in a more explicit “social reality” theory and sequence. The original sequences certainly explore this, as does a lot of Robin Hanson’s work, but I feel like I had to learn a lot about how to meaningfullyapply it to myself via in person conversations.
I think this is one of the more helpful posts I’ve read for orienting around why social reasoning might be different from analytic reasoning – it feels like it takes a good stab at figuring out where to carve reality at the joints.
I do think that in the longterm, as curated posts get cached into something more like Site Canon, I’d want to see some followup posts (whether by Val or others) that take the “mechanical vs social thinking” frame from the hypothesis stage to the “formulate it into something that makes concrete predictions, and do some literature reviews that check how those predictions have born out so far.”
I’ve been interested for awhile in a more explicit “social reality” theory and sequence. The original sequences certainly explore this, as does a lot of Robin Hanson’s work, but I feel like I had to learn a lot about how to meaningfully apply it to myself via in person conversations.
I think this is one of the more helpful posts I’ve read for orienting around why social reasoning might be different from analytic reasoning – it feels like it takes a good stab at figuring out where to carve reality at the joints.
I do think that in the longterm, as curated posts get cached into something more like Site Canon, I’d want to see some followup posts (whether by Val or others) that take the “mechanical vs social thinking” frame from the hypothesis stage to the “formulate it into something that makes concrete predictions, and do some literature reviews that check how those predictions have born out so far.”