(I am making a distinction here between the parts of your brain that you have access to and can introspect about, which for lack of better terms I call “you” or “your consciousness”, and the vast majority of your brain, to which you have no such access or awareness, which I call “your brain.” This is an emotional manipulation, which you are now explicitly aware of. Does that negate its effect? Can it?)
You seem to think you know what the effect is. My immediate thought on reading “it will decide the output, not you” was “oh dear, dualism again”, not “zomg im the prisoner of this alien machine!!!!”, which seemed to be the effect you were going for.
Anyway, all I see here is defeatist scaremongering.
You seem to think you know what the effect is. My immediate thought on reading “it will decide the output, not you” was “oh dear, dualism again”, not “zomg im the prisoner of this alien machine!!!!”, which seemed to be the effect you were going for.
Anyway, all I see here is defeatist scaremongering.