“ambiguity” is a continuous parameter. Your sentence doesn’t have enough ambiguousness for it to pass the threshold after which I would refer to it as “ambigious”, but it probably doesn’t mean exactly the same thing to me as it does to you.
Given sufficiently good language-understanding, world-modeling, and human-thought-intuiting algorithms (human-thought-intuiting perhaps to a large degree being implied by language-understanding and/or world-modeling), it seems like an AGI could interpret your sentence as well as I do if not better. You could configure it with some ambiguousness threshold beyond which it would ask for clarification.
Everything is ambiguous and this would slow it down too much.
“ambiguity” is a continuous parameter. Your sentence doesn’t have enough ambiguousness for it to pass the threshold after which I would refer to it as “ambigious”, but it probably doesn’t mean exactly the same thing to me as it does to you.
Given sufficiently good language-understanding, world-modeling, and human-thought-intuiting algorithms (human-thought-intuiting perhaps to a large degree being implied by language-understanding and/or world-modeling), it seems like an AGI could interpret your sentence as well as I do if not better. You could configure it with some ambiguousness threshold beyond which it would ask for clarification.