I think he’s conditioning heavily on being fully vaxxed and boosted when making the comparison to the flu. Which makes sense to me. I also suspect long Covid-19 risk is much lower if you’re vaxxed & boosted, based on the theory that Long Covid is caused by an inflammatory cascade that won’t shut off (there’s a lot of debate about what biomarkers to use but many long Covid patients have elevated markers of inflammation months later). If your symptoms are mild, you won’t have that inflammatory cascade. Here’s Zvi on one of the latest Long Covid papers : “To the extent that Long Covid is a non-placebo Actual Thing, this seems to strongly suggest that it will indeed scale with the severity of infection, so vaccinations and booster shots will help a lot...”
I think he’s conditioning heavily on being fully vaxxed and boosted when making the comparison to the flu. Which makes sense to me. I also suspect long Covid-19 risk is much lower if you’re vaxxed & boosted, based on the theory that Long Covid is caused by an inflammatory cascade that won’t shut off (there’s a lot of debate about what biomarkers to use but many long Covid patients have elevated markers of inflammation months later). If your symptoms are mild, you won’t have that inflammatory cascade. Here’s Zvi on one of the latest Long Covid papers : “To the extent that Long Covid is a non-placebo Actual Thing, this seems to strongly suggest that it will indeed scale with the severity of infection, so vaccinations and booster shots will help a lot...”