Sure, right. (There are some theories suggesting that the human brain does something like a bidding process with the subagents with the best track record for prediction winning the ability to influence things more, though of course the system is different from an actual prediction market.) That’s significantly different from the system ceasing to meaningfully have subagents at all though, and I understood rorygreig to be suggesting that it might cease to have them.
Sure, right. (There are some theories suggesting that the human brain does something like a bidding process with the subagents with the best track record for prediction winning the ability to influence things more, though of course the system is different from an actual prediction market.) That’s significantly different from the system ceasing to meaningfully have subagents at all though, and I understood rorygreig to be suggesting that it might cease to have them.
Technically, every cell in the human body is a subagent trying to ‘predict’ each other’s future movements and actions.