Living in Tagbilaran on Bohol right now. If you can find other interested parties I might be able to make it to Manila.
Roman, How you doing, staying dry I hope. Looks like you and I are the only ones in The Philippines.
What are you doing down there? I’m retired but I stay very active!
My Dad’s a retired airforce officer. Living with him. right now. Studying nursing. I do some digital painting and programming and I’m going to see if I can make some money at it (online, wages are terrible here!).
Living in Tagbilaran on Bohol right now. If you can find other interested parties I might be able to make it to Manila.
Roman, How you doing, staying dry I hope. Looks like you and I are the only ones in The Philippines.
What are you doing down there? I’m retired but I stay very active!
My Dad’s a retired airforce officer. Living with him. right now. Studying nursing. I do some digital painting and programming and I’m going to see if I can make some money at it (online, wages are terrible here!).