The logic of consumerism is to weigh all your choices and find out what you really enjoy.
What exactly are you proposing as an alternative to that process? Your whole post seems to be based on equating “explore all options and maximize” with “the logic of consumerism”, but while the former may well be necessary for the latter, it’s not even close to sufficient! To a large extent, that’s simply the logic of decision-making.
“Explore all options and maximize” is one approach to decision-making, but I think “explore what seems like enough options and either maximize or aim for good enough” are more common.
True. I guess my point was that it belongs down at the “logic of decision-making” level, and not at a level where “the logic of consumerism” should be relevant.
What exactly are you proposing as an alternative to that process? Your whole post seems to be based on equating “explore all options and maximize” with “the logic of consumerism”, but while the former may well be necessary for the latter, it’s not even close to sufficient! To a large extent, that’s simply the logic of decision-making.
“Explore all options and maximize” is one approach to decision-making, but I think “explore what seems like enough options and either maximize or aim for good enough” are more common.
True. I guess my point was that it belongs down at the “logic of decision-making” level, and not at a level where “the logic of consumerism” should be relevant.