First, the result of a coin flip is almost certainly determined by starting conditions. With enough knowledge of those conditions you could predict the result.
If that’s a valid objection, then quantum suicide won’t work either. In fact, if that’s a valid objection, then many-worlds is impossible, since everything is deterministic with no possible alternatives.
Many-worlds is a deterministic theory, as it says that the split configurations both occur.
Quantum immortality, mind you, is a very silly idea for a variety of other reasons—foremost of which is that a googleplex of universes still doesn’t ensure that there exists one of them in which a recognizable “you” survives next week, let alone to the end of time.
If that’s a valid objection, then quantum suicide won’t work either. In fact, if that’s a valid objection, then many-worlds is impossible, since everything is deterministic with no possible alternatives.
Many-worlds is a deterministic theory, as it says that the split configurations both occur.
Quantum immortality, mind you, is a very silly idea for a variety of other reasons—foremost of which is that a googleplex of universes still doesn’t ensure that there exists one of them in which a recognizable “you” survives next week, let alone to the end of time.