the luddites whom would take my wire away should be put in holodecks while alseep where they can live out their sadistic fantasies of denial of pleasure without affecting me.
nit: use archaic case forms correctly or not at all. There you should have ‘who’.
That and a T.
I’m a narcissist, so I’m actually the subject of the above sentence :p
Maybe there’s a joke I’m not getting here, but it should be “who”, not “whom”, because it’s the grammatical subject of “would take”.
Edit: Bonus fun link—“whom” used as a subject on a protest sign.
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Less Wrong (text)
Less Wrong (link)
the luddites whom would take my wire away should be put in holodecks while alseep where they can live out their sadistic fantasies of denial of pleasure without affecting me.
nit: use archaic case forms correctly or not at all. There you should have ‘who’.
That and a T.
I’m a narcissist, so I’m actually the subject of the above sentence :p
Maybe there’s a joke I’m not getting here, but it should be “who”, not “whom”, because it’s the grammatical subject of “would take”.
Edit: Bonus fun link—“whom” used as a subject on a protest sign.