What are “Riso and Hudson’s Enneagram and Spiral Dynamics”, out of curiosity ? I Googled the terms, but didn’t see anything that I could immediately relate to Less Wrong, hence my curiosity.
My apologies for not making it clearer. The Enneagram and Spiral Dynamics are two entirely separate subjects, though both related to psychology. At least one other user here knows about the Enneagram, — Mercurial, I think — though I’m not sure if anyone knows about the Spiral. The Enneagram is a model for human personality types and the Spiral is theory of evolutionary psychology.
Personally, the way I’ve learned the Enneagram is from this book, with help from another person who is far more knowledgeable than I am. That same person helped me to understand the Spiral and didn’t teach me with books, so I’m afraid I can’t refer you to any particular resources, though I assure you there’s plenty out there. Don Beck, who wrote a book on it in the late nineties, is the name that usually comes up whenever people talk about it, though.
What are “Riso and Hudson’s Enneagram and Spiral Dynamics”, out of curiosity ? I Googled the terms, but didn’t see anything that I could immediately relate to Less Wrong, hence my curiosity.
My apologies for not making it clearer. The Enneagram and Spiral Dynamics are two entirely separate subjects, though both related to psychology. At least one other user here knows about the Enneagram, — Mercurial, I think — though I’m not sure if anyone knows about the Spiral. The Enneagram is a model for human personality types and the Spiral is theory of evolutionary psychology.
Personally, the way I’ve learned the Enneagram is from this book, with help from another person who is far more knowledgeable than I am. That same person helped me to understand the Spiral and didn’t teach me with books, so I’m afraid I can’t refer you to any particular resources, though I assure you there’s plenty out there. Don Beck, who wrote a book on it in the late nineties, is the name that usually comes up whenever people talk about it, though.
Thanks for the info !