That seems rather unlikely, inasmuch as the first English translation was in 1896 - by which point Smith had preached, died, the Mormons evacuated to Utah, begun proselytizing overseas and baptism of the dead, set up a successful state, disavowed polygamy, etc.
There’s also the fact that it wasn’t even written until after Joseph Smith had died, translation not even being an issue. (In point of fact, Nietzsche was born the same year that Joseph Smith died.)
Nonetheless! I am convinced a time traveler gave Joseph Smith the book.
I love Mormonism.
Possibly because I love Thus Spoke Zarathustra, and Mormonism seems to be at least partially inspired by it.
That seems rather unlikely, inasmuch as the first English translation was in 1896 - by which point Smith had preached, died, the Mormons evacuated to Utah, begun proselytizing overseas and baptism of the dead, set up a successful state, disavowed polygamy, etc.
There’s also the fact that it wasn’t even written until after Joseph Smith had died, translation not even being an issue. (In point of fact, Nietzsche was born the same year that Joseph Smith died.)
Nonetheless! I am convinced a time traveler gave Joseph Smith the book.