Is your info Aussie-specific? (EDIT: We’re not quite antipodes, but not far off, either) They did when I took it, ceiling 145, was administered in a group setting.
Yep I had Australia in mind, though it’s by no means the only country where it works that way. Also, various national Mensa chapters have stopped releasing scores—something to do with egalitarianism, go figure… -- and pardon my imprecise language, but by lowish I meant around 145 SD15. (didn’t mean it in a patronising manner, it’s just that plenty of tests have a ceiling of 160 SD15 and some, e.g. Stanford-Binet Form L-M, are employed even above that cutoff)
I do wonder if someone who’d score, say 155 on a 160 ceiling test would probably score 145 on a 145 ceiling test. You project an aura of knowledgeability on the subject, so I’ll just go ahead and ask you. Consider yourself asked.
I’m afraid I’m not sufficiently knowledgeable to answer that and I have no intention of becoming one of those self-proclaimed internet experts! (plus the rest of the internet, outside of LW, already does a good enough job at spreading misinformation)
Yep I had Australia in mind, though it’s by no means the only country where it works that way. Also, various national Mensa chapters have stopped releasing scores—something to do with egalitarianism, go figure… -- and pardon my imprecise language, but by lowish I meant around 145 SD15. (didn’t mean it in a patronising manner, it’s just that plenty of tests have a ceiling of 160 SD15 and some, e.g. Stanford-Binet Form L-M, are employed even above that cutoff)
I do wonder if someone who’d score, say 155 on a 160 ceiling test would probably score 145 on a 145 ceiling test. You project an aura of knowledgeability on the subject, so I’ll just go ahead and ask you. Consider yourself asked.
I’m afraid I’m not sufficiently knowledgeable to answer that and I have no intention of becoming one of those self-proclaimed internet experts! (plus the rest of the internet, outside of LW, already does a good enough job at spreading misinformation)