Knowing about rationalism plus feeling superior to rationalists :-).
EDITED to add: I hope my snark doesn’t make gworley feel blown-back-at, silenced, and intolerably stressed. That’s not at all my purpose. I’ll make the point I was making a bit more explicitly.
Reading “post-rationalist” stuff, I genuinely do often get the impression that people become “post-rationalists” when they have been exposed to rationalism but find rationalists a group they don’t want to affiliate with (e.g., because they seem disagreeably nerdy).
As shev said, post-rationalists’ complaints about rationalism do sometimes look rather strawy; that’s one thing that gives me the trying-to-look-different vibe.
The (alleged) differences that aren’t just complaints about strawmen generally seem to me to be simply wrong.
Here’s the first Google hit (for me) for “post-rationalist”: from The Future Primeval, a kinda-neoreactionary site set up by ex-LWers. Its summary of how post-rationalists differ from rationalists seems fairly typical. Let’s see what it has to say.
First of all it complains of “some of the silliness” of modern conceptions of rationalist. (OK, then.)
Then it says that there’s more to thinking than propositional belief (perhaps there are rationalists who deny that, but I don’t think I know any) and says that post-rationalists see truth “as a sometimes-applicable proxy for usefulness rather than an always-applicable end in itself” (the standard rationalist position, in so far as there is one, is that truth is usually useful and that deliberately embracing untruth for pragmatic reasons tends to get you in a mess; rationalists also tend to like truth, to value it terminally).
So here we have one implicit strawman (that rationalists think propositional belief is everything), another implicit strawman (that rationalists don’t recognize that truth and usefulness can in principle diverge), something I think is simply an error if I’ve understood correctly (the suggestion that untruth is often more useful than truth), and what looks like a failure of empathy (obliviousness to the possibility that someone might simply prefer to be right, just as they might prefer to be comfortable).
Then it suggests that values shouldn’t be taken as axiomatic fundamental truths but that they often arise from social phenomena (so far as I can tell, this is also generally understood by rationalists).
Then we are told that “some rationalists have a reductionistic and mechanistic theory of mind” (how true this is depends on how those weaselly words “reductionistic” and “mechanistic” are understood) and think that it’s useful to identify biases and try to patch them; post-rationalists, on the other hand, understand that the mind is too complex for that to work and we should treat it as a black box.
Here we may have an actual point of disagreement, but let’s proceed with caution. First of all, the sort of mechanistic reductionism that LW-style rationalists fairly universally endorse is in fact also endorsed by our post-rationalists, in the same paragraph (“while the mind is ultimately a reducible machine”). But I think it’s fair to say that rationalists are generally somewhat optimistic about the prospects of improving one’s thinking by, er, “overcoming bias”. But it is also widely recognized that this doesn’t always work, that in many cases knowing about a bias just makes you more willing to accuse your opponents of it; I think there’s at least one thing along those lines in the Sequences, so it’s not something we’ve been taught recently by the post-rationalists. So I think the point of disagreement here is this: Are there a substantial number of heuristics implemented in our brains that, in today’s environment, can be bettered by deliberate “system-2” calculation? I do think the answer is yes; it seems like our post-rationalists think it’s no; but if they’ve given reasons for that other than handwaving about evolution, I haven’t seen them.
They elaborate on this to say it’s foolish to try to found our practical reasoning in theory rather than common sense and intuition. (This is more or less the same as the previous complaint, and I think we have a similar disagreement here.)
And then they list a bunch of things post-rationalists apparently have “an appreciation for”: tradition, ritual, modes of experience beyond detached skepticism, etc. (Mostly straw, this; the typical rationalist position seems to be that these things can be helpful or harmful and that many of their common forms are harmful; that isn’t at all the same thing as not “appreciating” them.)
So, a lot of that does indeed seem to consist of strawmanning plus feeling superior. Not, of course, all of it; but enough to (I think) explain some of the negative attitude gworley describes getting from rationalists.
In the “Rationality is about winning” train of thought, I’d guess that anything materially different in post-rationality (tm) would be eventually subsumed into the ‘rationality’ umbrella if it works, since it would, well, win. The model of it as a social divide seems immediately appealing for making sense of the ecosystem.
The best critique of post-rationalism I’ve seen so far. It matches my thought as well. Please consider making this a post so we can all double-upvote you.
Knowing about rationalism plus feeling superior to rationalists :-).
EDITED to add: I hope my snark doesn’t make gworley feel blown-back-at, silenced, and intolerably stressed. That’s not at all my purpose. I’ll make the point I was making a bit more explicitly.
Reading “post-rationalist” stuff, I genuinely do often get the impression that people become “post-rationalists” when they have been exposed to rationalism but find rationalists a group they don’t want to affiliate with (e.g., because they seem disagreeably nerdy).
As shev said, post-rationalists’ complaints about rationalism do sometimes look rather strawy; that’s one thing that gives me the trying-to-look-different vibe.
The (alleged) differences that aren’t just complaints about strawmen generally seem to me to be simply wrong.
Here’s the first Google hit (for me) for “post-rationalist”: from The Future Primeval, a kinda-neoreactionary site set up by ex-LWers. Its summary of how post-rationalists differ from rationalists seems fairly typical. Let’s see what it has to say.
First of all it complains of “some of the silliness” of modern conceptions of rationalist. (OK, then.)
Then it says that there’s more to thinking than propositional belief (perhaps there are rationalists who deny that, but I don’t think I know any) and says that post-rationalists see truth “as a sometimes-applicable proxy for usefulness rather than an always-applicable end in itself” (the standard rationalist position, in so far as there is one, is that truth is usually useful and that deliberately embracing untruth for pragmatic reasons tends to get you in a mess; rationalists also tend to like truth, to value it terminally).
So here we have one implicit strawman (that rationalists think propositional belief is everything), another implicit strawman (that rationalists don’t recognize that truth and usefulness can in principle diverge), something I think is simply an error if I’ve understood correctly (the suggestion that untruth is often more useful than truth), and what looks like a failure of empathy (obliviousness to the possibility that someone might simply prefer to be right, just as they might prefer to be comfortable).
Then it suggests that values shouldn’t be taken as axiomatic fundamental truths but that they often arise from social phenomena (so far as I can tell, this is also generally understood by rationalists).
Then we are told that “some rationalists have a reductionistic and mechanistic theory of mind” (how true this is depends on how those weaselly words “reductionistic” and “mechanistic” are understood) and think that it’s useful to identify biases and try to patch them; post-rationalists, on the other hand, understand that the mind is too complex for that to work and we should treat it as a black box.
Here we may have an actual point of disagreement, but let’s proceed with caution. First of all, the sort of mechanistic reductionism that LW-style rationalists fairly universally endorse is in fact also endorsed by our post-rationalists, in the same paragraph (“while the mind is ultimately a reducible machine”). But I think it’s fair to say that rationalists are generally somewhat optimistic about the prospects of improving one’s thinking by, er, “overcoming bias”. But it is also widely recognized that this doesn’t always work, that in many cases knowing about a bias just makes you more willing to accuse your opponents of it; I think there’s at least one thing along those lines in the Sequences, so it’s not something we’ve been taught recently by the post-rationalists. So I think the point of disagreement here is this: Are there a substantial number of heuristics implemented in our brains that, in today’s environment, can be bettered by deliberate “system-2” calculation? I do think the answer is yes; it seems like our post-rationalists think it’s no; but if they’ve given reasons for that other than handwaving about evolution, I haven’t seen them.
They elaborate on this to say it’s foolish to try to found our practical reasoning in theory rather than common sense and intuition. (This is more or less the same as the previous complaint, and I think we have a similar disagreement here.)
And then they list a bunch of things post-rationalists apparently have “an appreciation for”: tradition, ritual, modes of experience beyond detached skepticism, etc. (Mostly straw, this; the typical rationalist position seems to be that these things can be helpful or harmful and that many of their common forms are harmful; that isn’t at all the same thing as not “appreciating” them.)
So, a lot of that does indeed seem to consist of strawmanning plus feeling superior. Not, of course, all of it; but enough to (I think) explain some of the negative attitude gworley describes getting from rationalists.
Ah, that’s easy. Can I just go straight to being a super-extra-meta-post-rationalist, then?
This is helpful, thanks.
In the “Rationality is about winning” train of thought, I’d guess that anything materially different in post-rationality (tm) would be eventually subsumed into the ‘rationality’ umbrella if it works, since it would, well, win. The model of it as a social divide seems immediately appealing for making sense of the ecosystem.
The best critique of post-rationalism I’ve seen so far. It matches my thought as well. Please consider making this a post so we can all double-upvote you.