No difference. I won’t buy my life with murder at any price. (Weighing one-against-many innocents is a different problem.)
And I’d be calling Omega a bastard because, as an excellent predictor, he’d know that, but decided to ruin my day by telling me anyway.
Can you explain, then, how this is different then suicide, since your theft of her life is minimal, yet your sacrifice of your own life is large?
It’s not suicide, I’m just bumping into a moral absolute—I won’t murder under those circumstances, so outcomes conditional on “I commit murder” are pruned from the search tree. If the only remaining outcome is “I die”, then drat.
No difference. I won’t buy my life with murder at any price. (Weighing one-against-many innocents is a different problem.)
And I’d be calling Omega a bastard because, as an excellent predictor, he’d know that, but decided to ruin my day by telling me anyway.
Can you explain, then, how this is different then suicide, since your theft of her life is minimal, yet your sacrifice of your own life is large?
It’s not suicide, I’m just bumping into a moral absolute—I won’t murder under those circumstances, so outcomes conditional on “I commit murder” are pruned from the search tree. If the only remaining outcome is “I die”, then drat.