People’s willingness to sacrifice their own lives might change drastically, agreed.
But there are counteracting factors.
People will think far more long term and save more. They might even put more thought into planning. The extra saving might result in an extra safety widget that saves more lives. You can’t really disregard that.
They will be more polite and more honest . Because life’s too long and the world’s too small. Think ten times before cheating anyone. The extra business that will generate and the prosperity that will bring might save more lives than firemen and missionary doctors ever could.
Presently our finite lifespan does violence to these aspects which we all consider moral. Will Non-aging humans really ignore climate change, peak oil, supervolcanoes and asteroids? I don’t think so.
So, I’m not sure which part of the human utitlity calculus will weigh in here, but its my hunch that atleast in my country, India, we would drastically improve matters if we thought a little more long-term.
People’s willingness to sacrifice their own lives might change drastically, agreed.
But there are counteracting factors.
People will think far more long term and save more. They might even put more thought into planning. The extra saving might result in an extra safety widget that saves more lives. You can’t really disregard that.
They will be more polite and more honest . Because life’s too long and the world’s too small. Think ten times before cheating anyone. The extra business that will generate and the prosperity that will bring might save more lives than firemen and missionary doctors ever could.
Presently our finite lifespan does violence to these aspects which we all consider moral. Will Non-aging humans really ignore climate change, peak oil, supervolcanoes and asteroids? I don’t think so.
So, I’m not sure which part of the human utitlity calculus will weigh in here, but its my hunch that atleast in my country, India, we would drastically improve matters if we thought a little more long-term.