My guess is you are confusing truncation/collapsing with hiding comments.
I would argue that these all fall into the same category—namely hiding/showing comment content. Truncation being ‘hiding part of a comment’, collapsing being ‘hiding most of a comment’, and and hiding being ‘hiding all of a comment’ - to a first approximation.
Hm. Perhaps part of this is that the settings category name is misleading. The title is ‘Comment Truncation Options’, but the options in said category are both truncation and collapsing. I had assumed that said category—given it is already somewhat more general than the name suggests—would include all comment-content-hiding-related functionality.
Changing that behavior would require some changes to what data we load at all on the client (I think, though not totally confident), and is not something that you can currently turn off.
That is unfortunate, but good to know. Time for me to come up with yet another user script I guess.
I would argue that these all fall into the same category—namely hiding/showing comment content. Truncation being ‘hiding part of a comment’, collapsing being ‘hiding most of a comment’, and and hiding being ‘hiding all of a comment’ - to a first approximation.
Hm. Perhaps part of this is that the settings category name is misleading. The title is ‘Comment Truncation Options’, but the options in said category are both truncation and collapsing. I had assumed that said category—given it is already somewhat more general than the name suggests—would include all comment-content-hiding-related functionality.
That is unfortunate, but good to know. Time for me to come up with yet another user script I guess.