Seems like more cop-outs, instead of LCPWs: the Failure Amplification does not happen in a properly constructed experiment (it is easy to devise a way to die with enough reliability and fewer side effects in case of a failure). If you only find a 99.9% sure kill, then you can still accept bets up to 1000:1. The Quantum Sour Grapes is a math error: the (implicit) expected utility is taken over all branches in the case of win, instead of only those where you survive, as was pointed out in the comments, though the author refuses to acknowledge it. There are more convenient worlds in some of the comments.
Seems like more cop-outs, instead of LCPWs: the Failure Amplification does not happen in a properly constructed experiment (it is easy to devise a way to die with enough reliability and fewer side effects in case of a failure). If you only find a 99.9% sure kill, then you can still accept bets up to 1000:1. The Quantum Sour Grapes is a math error: the (implicit) expected utility is taken over all branches in the case of win, instead of only those where you survive, as was pointed out in the comments, though the author refuses to acknowledge it. There are more convenient worlds in some of the comments.
Maybe if you’re a particularly silly average utilitarian.