It depends on think on what AlexMennen meant by this. If for example there is a single NP complete problem in BPP then it is clear that NP is in BPP. Similar remarks apply to ZPP, and in both cases, almost the entire polynomial hierarchy will collapse. The proofs here are straightforward.
If, however, Alex meant that one is picking random instance of a specific NP complete problem, and that they can be solved deterministically, then Alex’s claim seems wrong. Consider for example this problem: “If an input string of length n starts with exactly floor(n^(1/2)) zeros and then a 1, treat the remainder like it is an input string for 3-SAT. If the string starts with anything else, return instead the parity of the string.” This is an NP-complete problem where we can solve almost all instances with high probability since most instances are really just a silly P problem. But we cannot use this fact to solve another NP complete problem (say normal 3-SAT) with high probability.
in both cases, almost the entire polynomial hierarchy will collapse
Well, in the easy case of ZPP, ZPP is contained in co-NP, so if NP is contained in ZPP then NP is contained in co-NP, in which case the hierarchy must collapse to the first level.
In the case of BPP, the details are slightly more subtle and requires deeper results. If BPP contains NP, then Adelman’s theorem says that then the entire polynomial hierarchy is contained in BPP. Since BPP is itself contained at finite level of the of the hierarchy, this forces collapse to at least that level.
It depends on think on what AlexMennen meant by this. If for example there is a single NP complete problem in BPP then it is clear that NP is in BPP. Similar remarks apply to ZPP, and in both cases, almost the entire polynomial hierarchy will collapse. The proofs here are straightforward.
If, however, Alex meant that one is picking random instance of a specific NP complete problem, and that they can be solved deterministically, then Alex’s claim seems wrong. Consider for example this problem: “If an input string of length n starts with exactly floor(n^(1/2)) zeros and then a 1, treat the remainder like it is an input string for 3-SAT. If the string starts with anything else, return instead the parity of the string.” This is an NP-complete problem where we can solve almost all instances with high probability since most instances are really just a silly P problem. But we cannot use this fact to solve another NP complete problem (say normal 3-SAT) with high probability.
Well, in the easy case of ZPP, ZPP is contained in co-NP, so if NP is contained in ZPP then NP is contained in co-NP, in which case the hierarchy must collapse to the first level.
In the case of BPP, the details are slightly more subtle and requires deeper results. If BPP contains NP, then Adelman’s theorem says that then the entire polynomial hierarchy is contained in BPP. Since BPP is itself contained at finite level of the of the hierarchy, this forces collapse to at least that level.