The Geminids are noted for their intensity, as many as 130 meters an hour, making them more intense than even the Perseids. The Geminids are also the offspring of an asteroid rather than a comet.
But OK, if you want to play that game… what is an asteroid that survives to reach the ground and kill someone?
A historically unprecedented event?
This article describes the properties of asteroids vs. meteorites.
Collisions between asteroids in space create smaller asteroidal fragments and these fragments are the sources of most meteorites that have struck the Earth’s surface.
That so?
Yes, that’s so. First, note that meteorite <> asteroid. Got any reports of a person killed by an asteroid strike?
I can’t believe you’re seriously arguing terminology in response to my cite.
But OK, if you want to play that game… what is an asteroid that survives to reach the ground and kill someone?
There was a meteor showerover the wekend. Fortunately, there wasn’t an asteroid shower.
A historically unprecedented event?
This article describes the properties of asteroids vs. meteorites.
So you wish to explain away all those reports of deaths as due solely 100% to meteorites rather than asteroids? I see...