Making Light has a “see last 1000 comments” link which I find very useful. Granted, it’s more useful there (relatively few active threads at the same time) than here, but it would still help.
actually, I think the HPMoR comments don’t show up in recent comments unless you’re already looking at an HPMoR thread…
Is it just some setting I randomly edited on my profile and don’t remember editing?
I wasn’t drunk, I was sleep deprived. I DO admit that my mental capacity while sleep deprived looks a lot like the mental capacity of a drunk...but I happen to get dizzy and nauseous at the mere smell of alchohol, so the chance for me to be drunk is pretty slim, if not negligible.
In case you’re unaware of it, “Go home, X, you’re drunk” is something of an internet meme; paper-machine wasn’t making a serious accusation.
(One instance of this trope that’s attached to stuff that might amuse a fair fraction of LW readers: Go home, evolution, you are drunk. (Actual title “WTF, Evolution?” but the GHYAD meme is in the “About” section at the right.)
Why is that? I was under the impression that most people see new comments based on the recent comments display.
Most of the time, imo, recent comments moves too quickly to keep track of actual new comments, particularly when HPMoR updates.
Making Light has a “see last 1000 comments” link which I find very useful. Granted, it’s more useful there (relatively few active threads at the same time) than here, but it would still help.
actually, I think the HPMoR comments don’t show up in recent comments unless you’re already looking at an HPMoR thread… Is it just some setting I randomly edited on my profile and don’t remember editing?
Go home, fractalman; you’re drunk.
I wasn’t drunk, I was sleep deprived. I DO admit that my mental capacity while sleep deprived looks a lot like the mental capacity of a drunk...but I happen to get dizzy and nauseous at the mere smell of alchohol, so the chance for me to be drunk is pretty slim, if not negligible.
In case you’re unaware of it, “Go home, X, you’re drunk” is something of an internet meme; paper-machine wasn’t making a serious accusation.
(One instance of this trope that’s attached to stuff that might amuse a fair fraction of LW readers: Go home, evolution, you are drunk. (Actual title “WTF, Evolution?” but the GHYAD meme is in the “About” section at the right.)
It isn’t generally used with sentients, though.
“Recent comments” shows recent comments on Main if you’re on Main and recent comments on Discussion if you’re on discussion.
Ah, that makes sense.
I almost never use this to observe new content.