The contexts will probably be highly individual. For example, for me it would make sense to have (a shorter name for) a context “I am at home, my kids are not at home, I am not tired yet, and I have at least an hour of uninterrupted free time”.
If things are so individual, probably tags are the way to go. You could then have a auto-generated step containing all steps with a particular tag. Logseq and Tana actually have such query items. In OmniFocus I’ve seen a hierarchical tag structure which looked pretty useful.
The contexts will probably be highly individual. For example, for me it would make sense to have (a shorter name for) a context “I am at home, my kids are not at home, I am not tired yet, and I have at least an hour of uninterrupted free time”.
If things are so individual, probably tags are the way to go. You could then have a auto-generated step containing all steps with a particular tag. Logseq and Tana actually have such query items. In OmniFocus I’ve seen a hierarchical tag structure which looked pretty useful.