An electron is not a mathematical object. Let’s say, equation (1) describes the behaviour of an electron according to our current knowledge. Then you might say, the electron is a “mathematical object” contained in (1).
But what if equation (2) is found, that better describes an electron’s behaviour? What happens with the “mathematical object”?
So you incorrectly identified what sort of mathematical object it is. That doesn’t mean it isn’t one, just that you made an identification prematurely (and perhaps were insufficiently careful with your language); you’ll need to split off the concepts of actual-but-still-unknown-electron and previously-hypothesized-electron.
In that sense, everything could be a mathematical object, including qualia. We just haven’t identified it.
Also, the concept of actual-but-still-unknown-X and previously-hypothesized-X can be applied to morality in terms of actual-but-still-unknown-norm and previously-hypothesized-norm.
So you incorrectly identified what sort of mathematical object it is. That doesn’t mean it isn’t one, just that you made an identification prematurely (and perhaps were insufficiently careful with your language); you’ll need to split off the concepts of actual-but-still-unknown-electron and previously-hypothesized-electron.
In that sense, everything could be a mathematical object, including qualia. We just haven’t identified it.
Also, the concept of actual-but-still-unknown-X and previously-hypothesized-X can be applied to morality in terms of actual-but-still-unknown-norm and previously-hypothesized-norm.