The best solution I’ve come up with for this is linkposts a la Reddit. And we could even make them automatic!
That is, take the current Recent on Rationality Blogs sidebar. Either leave it as a sidebar, turn it into a subreddit, or mix it in with the appropriate reddits. Make each link votable up or down. The resulting karma is displayed on the link and provided to the associated LW account.
We could probably also set it up so that automatic blog posts are either opt-in (watch this rss feed, anything with the #lw tag becomes a link-post) or opt-out (watch this rss feed, anything that doesn’t have the #no-lw tag becomes a link-post).
There’s a bit of a wrinkle how to deal with non-community links; my suspicion is that it’d be relatively easy to check if a link is to an account in the blog database, and associate it with the owner if so (someone linking to a SSC article gives Yvain the karma, not them) and the link-poster if it’s to something else (a relevant NYT article, say).
The best solution I’ve come up with for this is linkposts a la Reddit. And we could even make them automatic!
That is, take the current Recent on Rationality Blogs sidebar. Either leave it as a sidebar, turn it into a subreddit, or mix it in with the appropriate reddits. Make each link votable up or down. The resulting karma is displayed on the link and provided to the associated LW account.
We could probably also set it up so that automatic blog posts are either opt-in (watch this rss feed, anything with the #lw tag becomes a link-post) or opt-out (watch this rss feed, anything that doesn’t have the #no-lw tag becomes a link-post).
There’s a bit of a wrinkle how to deal with non-community links; my suspicion is that it’d be relatively easy to check if a link is to an account in the blog database, and associate it with the owner if so (someone linking to a SSC article gives Yvain the karma, not them) and the link-poster if it’s to something else (a relevant NYT article, say).