Here you can find a mind map aggregating the opinions of every commenter up until the time of this comment. I will further edit it as comments are added. If you want to make it editable from the community let me know (and suggest a service that does so!). If you think I have misrepresented your opinions let me know and I’ll fix it. My analysis:
LW is perceived badly for two reasons: low quality and obscurity to newcomers;
LW is perceived as a good thing on at least on three axis: as an archive for the Sequence and the Wiki; as a community aggregators for different movements / sources (EA, HPMOR, sporadic contributors, etc.); for its live services (sharing academic articles, chat, stupid questions thread, etc.);
the vast majority of people are in favor of keeping it open;
the highest value LW offers is as an aggregator of the Diasporists, and the main problem is the sharing of comments;
the most frequently proposed solutions include RSS feeds, subreddits and removing the distinction between Main and Discussion.
I like those suggestions too, I’m in favor of keeping it open.
Here you can find a mind map aggregating the opinions of every commenter up until the time of this comment.
I will further edit it as comments are added. If you want to make it editable from the community let me know (and suggest a service that does so!). If you think I have misrepresented your opinions let me know and I’ll fix it.
My analysis:
LW is perceived badly for two reasons: low quality and obscurity to newcomers;
LW is perceived as a good thing on at least on three axis: as an archive for the Sequence and the Wiki; as a community aggregators for different movements / sources (EA, HPMOR, sporadic contributors, etc.); for its live services (sharing academic articles, chat, stupid questions thread, etc.);
the vast majority of people are in favor of keeping it open;
the highest value LW offers is as an aggregator of the Diasporists, and the main problem is the sharing of comments;
the most frequently proposed solutions include RSS feeds, subreddits and removing the distinction between Main and Discussion.
I like those suggestions too, I’m in favor of keeping it open.
wow, and I thought I was the only one aggregating things. Did you have other aggregated info on what people have said?
Hmm, no, not really. But on this I felt it was important, so I did. It is though something that I do for other important stuff not related to LW.