Lots of people here understand the point of your post. Some of us think it is evil to discourage folks from doing cryonics advocacy, since it is likely the only way to save any of the billions of people that are currently dying.
Personally, I’m not a cryonics advocate. But know your audience, and if you’ve noticed that most the people around here don’t seem to understand something, it’s probably a good time to check your assumptions and see what you’ve missed.
Lots of people here understand the point of your post. Some of us think it is evil to discourage folks from doing cryonics advocacy, since it is likely the only way to save any of the billions of people that are currently dying.
Personally, I’m not a cryonics advocate. But know your audience, and if you’ve noticed that most the people around here don’t seem to understand something, it’s probably a good time to check your assumptions and see what you’ve missed.