What model of the world/way of thinking/worldview generated the things this person is saying?
What game am I playing? What are the rules (or, more relevantly, what aren’t) and how do I win?
What is the goal of this conversation? (Note: you must be careful to answer with the actual goal, not the goal you think you should have or the goal you would answer with in public. For instance, if your answer is just “truth seeking” you are wrong with very high probability.)
What model of the world/way of thinking/worldview generated the things this person is saying?
What game am I playing? What are the rules (or, more relevantly, what aren’t) and how do I win?
What is the goal of this conversation? (Note: you must be careful to answer with the actual goal, not the goal you think you should have or the goal you would answer with in public. For instance, if your answer is just “truth seeking” you are wrong with very high probability.)
One useful question per comment, please!