The only example from antiquity that I can think of is Heironymous Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights:
The colour is faded, but hell is definitely red/black.
Incidentally, red/black/gold not only looks evil, it looks rich and evil.
Well red and black are pretty much the colors you would expect to see in an underground pit full of fire.
I would expect brown and orange and yellow too. Maybe blue, depending on what was on fire.
The only example from antiquity that I can think of is Heironymous Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights:
The colour is faded, but hell is definitely red/black.
Incidentally, red/black/gold not only looks evil, it looks rich and evil.
Well red and black are pretty much the colors you would expect to see in an underground pit full of fire.
I would expect brown and orange and yellow too. Maybe blue, depending on what was on fire.