A way to “buzz” people who you notice slacking, producing a non-mute-able sound on their end (with a cooldown timer).
I’d like a way to post easily visible rules to enforce on myself (“Buzz me only if you can see me at my computer an I appear to be websurfing—lesswrong.com is OK”).
It seems to me that having overlapping “shifts” of people on/off a pomodoro would be nice—such that those on break could keep an eye on those working, and buzz them if they’re slacking.
It would be very nice to have some way to broadcast the URL or program title of whatever window you have focused on your screen, especially for people who do not have or want to use a camera.
Perhaps a bot that, upon joining, asks you to post what your task is for the current pomodoro, and otherwise actually kicks you.
A way to “buzz” people who you notice slacking, producing a non-mute-able sound on their end (with a cooldown timer).
There is abuse potential as mentioned earlier. Pointing out in chat that someone is procrastinating should be beneficial enough through social pressure in this setting and it does not have any obvious drawbacks like non-mutable sounds do.
It seems to me that having overlapping “shifts” of people on/off a pomodoro would be nice—such that those on break could keep an eye on those working, and buzz them if they’re slacking.
It defeats the purpose to some extent—the idea is that all of you work at the same time and rest at the same time. In addition breaks only account for 1/6th of the total time.
It would be very nice to have some way to broadcast the URL or program title of whatever window you have focused on your screen, especially for people who do not have or want to use a camera.
Full screen sharing has more benefits than this and requires less/no further work.
Perhaps a bot that, upon joining, asks you to post what your task is for the current pomodoro, and otherwise actually kicks you.
Kicking for inactivity might provide a purpose but I am not sure if this is the best way to do it.
There is abuse potential as mentioned earlier. Pointing out in chat that someone is procrastinating should be beneficial enough through social pressure in this setting and it does not have any obvious drawbacks like non-mutable sounds do.
This conflicts with the ‘no chatting during the pomodoro’ rule, and notifies every one instead. It looks like we’d either want private messaging, buzzing, or Rescue Time-style “this is what tabs this person had open during their pomodoro, everyone mock them for going on facebook for 30 seconds.”
The ‘no chatting during the pomodoro rule’ shouldn’t be too strict in my opinion. I think that most people are alright if there is some minimum talking during pomodoro times especially for relevant things like this or greeting people, am I wrong? In addition, immediate feedback has been shown to facilitate learning thus scolding the person immediately as you see them slacking off should help to change their behavior faster.
There is no need of any notifications of the chat unless you want them as well. Private messaging is also a desired feature but in my opinion it is better (but not neccessery) if everything related to the task at hand is out in the open in order to create a ‘community’ atmosphere.
Some other Study Hall nice-to-haves:
A way to “buzz” people who you notice slacking, producing a non-mute-able sound on their end (with a cooldown timer).
I’d like a way to post easily visible rules to enforce on myself (“Buzz me only if you can see me at my computer an I appear to be websurfing—lesswrong.com is OK”).
It seems to me that having overlapping “shifts” of people on/off a pomodoro would be nice—such that those on break could keep an eye on those working, and buzz them if they’re slacking.
It would be very nice to have some way to broadcast the URL or program title of whatever window you have focused on your screen, especially for people who do not have or want to use a camera.
Perhaps a bot that, upon joining, asks you to post what your task is for the current pomodoro, and otherwise actually kicks you.
There is abuse potential as mentioned earlier. Pointing out in chat that someone is procrastinating should be beneficial enough through social pressure in this setting and it does not have any obvious drawbacks like non-mutable sounds do.
It defeats the purpose to some extent—the idea is that all of you work at the same time and rest at the same time. In addition breaks only account for 1/6th of the total time.
Full screen sharing has more benefits than this and requires less/no further work.
Kicking for inactivity might provide a purpose but I am not sure if this is the best way to do it.
This conflicts with the ‘no chatting during the pomodoro’ rule, and notifies every one instead. It looks like we’d either want private messaging, buzzing, or Rescue Time-style “this is what tabs this person had open during their pomodoro, everyone mock them for going on facebook for 30 seconds.”
The ‘no chatting during the pomodoro rule’ shouldn’t be too strict in my opinion. I think that most people are alright if there is some minimum talking during pomodoro times especially for relevant things like this or greeting people, am I wrong? In addition, immediate feedback has been shown to facilitate learning thus scolding the person immediately as you see them slacking off should help to change their behavior faster.
There is no need of any notifications of the chat unless you want them as well. Private messaging is also a desired feature but in my opinion it is better (but not neccessery) if everything related to the task at hand is out in the open in order to create a ‘community’ atmosphere.
A way to “buzz” people who you notice slacking, producing a non-mute-able sound on their end (with a cooldown timer).