There exists a school of thought that looks roughly like “the dating docs people are stupid; top-down design of selection effects can obviously never work, plugging the monkey brain into the meat market is a better strategy for arbitrary dating goals” that I became more sympathetic to, but I’m still deeply resistant to adopting it completely.
I’m not really being scientific, I’m much more interested in “leading by example” and paving the kind of dating culture that I think is superior relative to my values than I am in updating my beliefs against the unfeeling stone of Reality.
There exists a school of thought that looks roughly like “the dating docs people are stupid; top-down design of selection effects can obviously never work, plugging the monkey brain into the meat market is a better strategy for arbitrary dating goals” that I became more sympathetic to, but I’m still deeply resistant to adopting it completely.
I’m not really being scientific, I’m much more interested in “leading by example” and paving the kind of dating culture that I think is superior relative to my values than I am in updating my beliefs against the unfeeling stone of Reality.